China 'disappointed' as U.S. blocks Gaza ceasefire for 4th time at UN

  Release time:2024-06-03 18:29:01  
A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated disappointment with the United States fo 。

A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated disappointment with the United States for blocking for the fourth time the UN Security Council's call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Since Monday, the UN General Assembly has debated the U.S.' Feb 20 veto that blocked an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, calling instead for a conditional "temporary ceasefire" involving the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, told the assembly that China was "extremely disappointed" that the U.S. had "forcibly blocked" the Security Council's call for a ceasefire nearly five months after the outbreak of the Gaza conflict.

Geng said the result of the vote clearly shows that on the issue of demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, the vast majority of council members are in agreement.

"However, the United States has been the only country to abuse its veto power to stifle the consensus of the council, causing widespread discontent in the international community," Geng added.

"An immediate ceasefire in Gaza is a prerequisite to save innocent civilians and provide humanitarian assistance and a key to avoiding further escalation and proliferation of the conflict," he said.

Geng stressed that as Ramadan is approaching, the international community must push for an immediate ceasefire and end to the conflict with the strongest sense of urgency and political determination, in order to preserve the hope of survival for the people of Gaza.

"We urge Israel to immediately change course, cancel its offensive plans against Rafah, cease military attacks on Gaza, and stop the forced transfer and collective punishment of the Palestinian population," Geng said.

"We call on the country concerned to put aside geostrategic considerations and domestic political calculations, be truly impartial and responsible in making the right choice, and play a constructive role in promoting a ceasefire in Gaza," he said.

Geng emphasized that the two-state solution is "the only viable way" to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

He noted that some Israeli political figures have openly and repeatedly rejected the two-state solution and any international efforts toward independent Palestinian statehood.

"This is very alarming," he said. "We urge Israel to cease discrediting the two-state solution, stop eroding the basis of the two-state solution, and end its illegal settlement activities," the ambassador said.

China calls for intensified international and regional diplomatic efforts to reshape a credible multilateral process, revitalize the political prospects for the two-state solution, and relaunch direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, Geng said.

He called for an international peace conference that is "more broad-based and effective". "We support Palestine in becoming a full member state of the UN at an earlier date," he said.

Geng urged Israel, as the occupying power, "to comply with its obligations under international law to guarantee safe, rapid, unimpeded entry of sufficient humanitarian supplies".

"Practical measures should be taken to protect the safety of humanitarian agencies and personnel and to facilitate them to deliver their relief work," he added.

China will continue to work tirelessly with the international community to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian disaster, implement the two-state solution and achieve enduring peace and stability in the Middle East, the ambassador said.

The 10 non-permanent Security Council members also expressed regret at the U.S. veto on Feb 20.

"All E-10 countries voted in favor … and we deeply regret that the text was vetoed," Vanessa Frazier, permanent representative of Malta to the UN, told the General Assembly on behalf of "E-10", the 10 elected members of the Security Council.

Of the 15 members, 13 council members voted in favor of the Security Council's resolution on Feb 20, while the UK abstained.

"As elected members, we firmly believe that the council has the duty and the responsibility to act decisively when faced with such situation," she said.

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